Monday, December 6, 2010

San Miguel

... de Socorro.

Historic landmark closes for repairs.

"Excessive moisture in adobe walls in Catholic church walls has caused some church walls to collapse, most recently La Sagrada Familia Church in Lemitar this summer. Recently, church officials shut down the San Miguel Church in Socorro after concerns of walls collapsing due to high moisture levels."

KOB link.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

It's Only Rock & Roll...

...but we like it.

Rob "Guitar" Lopez and his band, The Skallywags, rock the Capitol Bar, Socorro, New Mexico.

The show was dedicated in loving memory, to local musician and good friend Anthony Rosas, who passed away recently.

R.I.P. Anthony.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Net F/X

New Mexico Tech Golf Course, Socorro, New Mexico.

Friday, July 30, 2010

All Along the Watchtower

New Mexico State Armory, Socorro, New Mexico.

"Outside in the cold distance
a wildcat did growl
Two riders were approaching
and the wind began to howl."

Monday, July 26, 2010

Etscorn Observatory New Mexico Tech.

Frank T. Etscorn Campus Observatory

The Frank T. Etscorn Campus Observatory, dedicated 25 April 1993, is on the campus of New Mexico Tech in Socorro, NM. The observatory is one of the sites of the annual Enchanted Skies Star Party (ESSP). In addition, many public and private star parties are held there throughout the year.
Yes, those are astrological signs on the side of the observatory.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rattlesnake Sculpture

EMRTC Research Center, Socorro, New Mexico.

Rattlesnake Sculpture

As many locals know there's lots of rattlesnakes in the backcountry around here. One must always be aware and respectful of their mighty presence. Hopefully giving them their own magnificent 30 ft.statue will help appease them and we all can live in peaceful co-existence.

Yeah, right.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Socorro's Monster Dream Catcher

I'm sure most of you have probably heard of dream catchers. Well, it appears (at least to me anyways) Socorro might have one of the largest ever ...right in our midst.

Somebody get a hold of the Chamber of Commerce. We might have another roadside attraction on our hands.

1500 block of NW Frontage Rd.

(yes, I know it's just an abandoned billboard, but I can dream can't I?)

It's believed that a dream catcher changes a person's dreams by allowing only good dreams to filter through during the night . . . bad dreams stay in the net, disappearing with the light of day.

Hopefully, our dream catcher here in Socorro is doing a good job grabbing all those mean, nasty dreams floating around out there and only allowing the good ones through.

When you achieve your dream
pursue another dream.
That's how to live a life of adventure.

~ Unknown

Sweet dreams Socorro.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Lone Tree Hill

San Acacia, New Mexico.

When I climbed the hill I found a couple of small wooden benches built into the ground. Obviously others also have come by to enjoy the show.

"The world is a sacred place and a sacred process... and we’re part of it."
~ Daniel Quinn